World Wide Instameet 11 - Melaka edition

In conjunction of the calling of a meet decreed by Instagram, few good folks had organised an instameet here in Melaka (and also elsewhere, duh). Originally I planned to go for a meet in KL and Selangor area, alas, I'm broke, so here I am, staying in for the weekend, in which no regrets befelled upon me. The meet was super fun and super crazy! Located within a secret abandoned hotel at the centre of Bandar Hilir, in which only the hardcores of grammers knew about it (ok tipu).

 Without much ado, here's the pics I've taken during the time (opted to use Velvia, it's an event of colors after all, and Velvia has super saturated tones) :

Big thanks to the organizers of the Instameet, Melaka edition, till next year eh?
(igersmelaka, jiweana, artkami, hakimihaslan, asyraflalek, paksam - they're instagram handles)

Till then, chiao!

Masjid Selat - 15.3.2015

Went outing with Awe few days ago to Pulau Melaka, overlooking the straits of Melaka, with plenty of good spots for photos. The obvious prolly be the Masjid Selat, sitting comfortably there at the banks, greeting tourists and photography enthusiasts alike. The area around here used to be full of crowds, with wedding shoots going around till late evening, then suddenly the Klebang area gained notorious coverage (I went there too, it was awesome, later I uploaded the pics), so I guess this area became a bit lonely huh *tho there's few photographer I saw that day doing shoot here*

Nevertheless, the sun was good, chiming her golden colors down our skin. We took few shots here and there while waiting for dawn to get some long exposure pics of the mosque. Too bad my tripod, sadly, broke his few legs, and I'm broke to the bone, need new tripod STAT. *tried taking few photos of the mosques, handheld I tell you, and at dawn some more, with apertures wide open LOL. obviously the HDR image looks ridikeles hahahahaha*

Enjoice some pics, till then, chiao. 

 P.s. My sensor need some serious cleaning up. Final year is taking its toll on my time sobs.